"Wish I Could've Loved You Like That"

You used to wake me up on Sundays With the smell of roses And fresh brewed coffee by the sink You’d sit with me out on the front porch So I could watch the sunrise Wrapped up in your North Face fleece
I know 6am wasn't really your style
But you'd do anything just to see me smile
You did everything right
You always told me
I was the best thing in your life
You gave me everything you had
There was nothing more
That I could've asked
I wish I could've loved you like that
I kept thinking if I gave it Just a little more time My heart would catch up with my mind I kept searching for forever But I couldn't find it When I looked into your eyes
There were no words that could change my mind You never needed to apologize
I know now you’re happy
And I’m the last one you wanna see
But I need you to hear me say I'm sorry
CHORUS Written by Misha Williams, Andrea Crisali & Dominique Ruiz © 2014 by Velvet Vine Publishing (BMI), © 2014 Two Red Boots (BMI) BEHIND THE SONG: Domi, Andrea and I met through mutual collaborators who thought we would write together well, and I think they were right! They showed up at my house on a Saturday morning, meeting for the first time. You never know what to expect when you write with new people for the first time. Sometimes it is a total success, and other times a disaster. This was definitely the beginning of a wonderful friendship for me. For one, you could not meet two people who are more geniune than these girls. And talented... I mean really. Killer pipes and musicianship to match. We spent about 7 hours together talking, getting to know each other, drinking multiple cups of toasted rice green tea, opening up to each other, and writing this song, one that I am very proud of. This song comes from a very honest place, both myself and Andrea pulling from personal experiences. While I can't tell Andrea's story for her, I can share mine. Years ago, I was in a relationship with a really great guy for several years. I was young, just finishing high school, with lots of huge dreams. He and his family treated me like their family, and the thought and reality of losing all of them in my life was one of the hardest things I've ever gone through. There is nothing you can do to heal the hearts of people who you would never dream of hurting but had no choice but to be honest with yourself. It hit me suddenly one day that he was not the right person for me. I couldn't explain it very well to him or anyone else at the time, but my heart knew what I had to do. Sometimes the best songs come from a very real place.